
Terms and conditions of the Ruokaboksi platform

1. Scope of application

These terms and conditions ("Terms") apply to persons ("User") registered on the platform provided by Ruokaboksi Finland Oy ("Ruokaboksi") at (the "Ruokaboksi Platform"). By registering on the Ruokaboksi platform, the User accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

In addition to these Terms, the Ruokaboksi Subscription Terms (see below) apply to Ruokaboksi Subscription Customers.

2. Rights and obligations of the User

By registering on the Ruokaboksi platform, the User creates a personal user account. By logging in to the account, the User will have access to the content and material on the platform, such as recipes and food tips.

3. Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights in the material on the Ruokaboksi platform belong exclusively to Ruokaboksi or its licensors. You may not distribute the material on the Ruokaboksi platform to others or make copies for any purpose other than your non-commercial use.

4. Personal data

Personal data will be processed as permitted and required by the applicable data protection legislation. When registering on the Ruokaboksi platform, the User provides personal data to create a user account. The User undertakes to provide accurate information about himself/herself and is responsible for its accuracy. Ruokaboksi acts as the controller of the personal data.

For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

5. Limitation of liability

Ruokaboksi is not responsible for any interruption or failure of the Ruokaboksi platform. Ruokaboksi is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the User by the use of the Ruokaboksi platform or by the unavailability of the Ruokaboksi platform.

6. Removal of the User

If the User violates these Terms, the law, or otherwise behaves in a manner contrary to good faith, Ruokaboksi has the right, at its sole discretion, to delete or suspend the User's account on the Ruokaboksi platform.

7. Changes

Ruokaboksi reserves the right to modify the Ruokaboksi Platform, including, but not limited to, adding or removing functionality and changing the appearance of the Ruokaboksi Platform. Ruokaboksi also reserves the right to modify these Terms. The current version of the Terms is available at

Ruokaboksi Subscription Terms and Conditions

1. Service provider

Name: Ruokaboksi Finland Oy
Business ID: 2836612-7
Postal address: Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 D 5, 00500 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone number: 09 425 77899
E-mail address:

2. Scope of application

Ruokaboksi Finland Oy ("Ruokaboksi") provides the Ruokaboksi service described in Section 3 (the "Service") to customers ("Subscriber"). These terms and conditions ("Terms") apply to the transaction of products purchased on the Ruokaboksi platform between Ruokaboksi and the Subscriber, in addition to the mandatory provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (38/1978, as amended). By placing an order on the Ruokaboksi platform, the Subscriber accepts these Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them.

In addition to these Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions of the Ruokaboksi platform (see above) apply to Subscribers of Ruokaboksi.

3. The service

The Service provided by Ruokaboksi consists of a weekly Ruokaboksi shipment ("Shipment") to the address provided by the Subscriber, containing food and recipes for the Subscriber to prepare meals.

Subscribing to the Service constitutes a commitment by the Subscriber to an open-ended contract, i.e. the Shipments will automatically continue on a weekly basis. The Subscriber has the flexibility to manage the Shipments on the Ruokaboksi platform under the conditions described in Section 6.

Notwithstanding the above, new Subscribers, i.e. first-time subscribers, will also have the possibility to subscribe to one single one-off Ruokaboksi Shipment ("Trial Box") as part of the Trial Box campaign. Ordering a Trial Box only activates the one-off Shipment, i.e. the Trial Box Subscriber does not commit to ongoing Shipments. After subscribing to the Trial Box, the new Subscriber will receive an email with the login credentials necessary to register on the Ruokaboksi platform. Registration on the Ruokaboksi platform is free of charge and does not commit the Trial Box Subscriber to any ongoing Shipments. If the Subscriber wishes to subscribe to new Shipments or to commit to ongoing weekly Shipments, the Subscriber must activate the new Shipments through the Ruokaboksi platform on his/her initiative. Once the new Shipments have been activated, the Subscriber has the flexibility to manage the Shipments on the Ruokaboksi platform under the conditions described in Section 6.

4. The Ruokaboksi platform

The Subscriber must register on the Ruokaboksi platform to access the Service. The Subscriber fills in his/her personal and payment details on the Ruokaboksi Platform to enable the provision of the Service. The Subscriber undertakes to provide accurate personal data and is responsible for keeping them accurate and up to date. The Subscriber agrees that Ruokaboksi may send the Subscriber e-mail or SMS messages in connection with Shipments.

The Subscriber must be of legal age and have a valid email address and telephone number.

5. Processing of personal data

Personal data shall be processed as permitted and required by the applicable data protection legislation. The subscriber is entered in the customer register of Ruokaboks, where the data is used, among other things, to maintain and manage the customer relationship. Ruokaboksi acts as the controller of the personal data in the customer register.

For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy.

6. Shipment management

Shipments are ordered through the Ruokaboksi platform. An order is binding on the Subscriber when the Subscriber has submitted his/her order. The Customer will receive an order confirmation by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. The Customer must keep the order confirmation for possible future reference.

Shipments will always be processed five (5) days before delivery of the shipment.

The Subscriber will be able to manage the Service and Shipments on the Ruokaboksi platform, through the Subscriber's personal user account. The Subscriber may change its settings for Shipments at any time, but changes must be made at least six (6) days prior to the delivery of a Shipment in order to be implemented before the next Shipment. Changes made after that time will only affect the next Shipment following the next Shipment.

The Ruokaboksi platform allows the Subscriber to cancel individual Shipments, change the type of Shipments, order peripheral products, and pause automatic Shipments altogether. When the Subscriber cancels individual Shipments, the Subscriber should note that the view of the delivery calendar is limited to ten (10) weeks. If the Subscriber cancels all visible Delivery Calendar Shipments as individual cancellations, the Shipments will automatically resume after this period unless the Subscriber changes his/her settings again. If the Subscriber wishes to suspend all Shipments indefinitely, he must use the "suspend deliveries indefinitely" function.

7. Deliveries

Shipments will be delivered by a third party to the delivery address indicated by the Subscriber. Deliveries shall only be made to the specified areas in Finland and the delivery address shall be located in the delivery area concerned. The delivery area is delimited by the postal code. The delivery area can be checked on the Ruokaboksi platform. The delivery cannot be carried out if there is no land connection to the delivery address indicated by the Ordering Customer.

The Customer or his authorized representative must be present to receive the Shipment at the agreed time. The Caterer shall not be liable if the delivery of the Shipment is delayed or cannot be delivered due to the fact that the Customer has provided incorrect contact information on the Caterer's platform or the Customer or his authorized representative is not present at the agreed time of delivery and cannot be reached.

In case of delayed delivery for other reasons, Ruokaboksi or a third party will endeavor to contact the Ordering Customer to agree on a new delivery time.

Ruokaboksi is responsible for the Shipment and the delivery of the Shipment until the moment of delivery. The Customer is responsible for the correct use and storage of the Shipment after the time of delivery.

8. Inspection of products, complaints, and right of withdrawal

Upon receipt of a Shipment, the Customer shall check without delay that the Shipment delivered corresponds to the order and is free of defects. Missing or defective Products will be refunded. If the Customer discovers a defect in the Shipment or any part thereof, the Customer shall, without undue delay after receipt of the order, notify Customer Service of the defect or error.

The Terms and Conditions relating to the subscription to the Service constitute a service contract, on the basis of which the Subscriber has the right under the Consumer Protection Act to cancel the contract within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract without giving any reason. The cancellation period shall expire 14 days after the conclusion of the contract for the Service. If the Subscriber wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he must notify this in an unambiguous manner, for example by e-mail to The cancellation notice must state, in addition to the cancellation of the Service, the name and postal address of the Subscriber.

The Subscriber may, but is not obliged to, use this cancellation form to submit a cancellation notice. If the Subscriber submits a cancellation notice via the Ruokaboksi website, Ruokaboksi will promptly notify the Subscriber of the receipt of the cancellation notice.

Ruokaboksi shall not be obliged to refund any payments made for Shipments received by the Subscriber which have been made at the express request of the Subscriber before the expiry of the cancellation period. In other situations, Ruokaboksi will refund payments received from the Subscriber no later than 14 days after receipt of the notice of cancellation.

9. Prices

Shipments are charged according to the price list in force at the time of ordering. The current prices of the shipments are available on the Ruokaboksi platform. The prices of shipments include VAT.

Ruokaboksi Finland Oy reserves the right to cancel the Service in case of obvious price errors. A clear price error means a possible pricing error of a product on the Ruokaboksi platform such that the price of the Shipment significantly and clearly deviates from the correct value of the Shipment.

10. Payments

Payments for Shipments are automatically charged through the Stripe service managed by a third party. The card details filled in by the subscriber are stored in the Stripe service. Each Shipment will be charged in advance five (5) days prior to the delivery of the Shipment. The amount charged may vary depending on the choices made by the Subscriber, depending on the products and services selected for the Shipment. Shipments canceled or rescheduled in accordance with Clause 6 will not be charged to the Subscriber.

11. Termination of the Contract

The Subscriber or the Ruokaboksi may terminate the Service of indefinite duration at any time by giving seven (7) days' notice. The Subscriber may terminate the Service by contacting Customer Service. The termination of the Service will not affect Shipments confirmed before the expiry of the Service termination period. Any fees charged will not be refunded.

If no successful payment is received for a Shipment charged to the Subscriber, the Service will automatically terminate upon delivery of that Shipment. In the event of a failure to charge a payment card via Stripe, Ruokaboksi will send the Subscriber an invoice by email.

12. Limitation of liability

Ruokaboksi is not responsible for adapting the content of the Shipment to individual customer needs, such as allergies or special diets.

Rokabox is not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the Subscriber by the use of the Rokabox platform or by the unavailability of the Rokabox platform.

These Terms are without prejudice to the liability of Ruokaboksi under consumer protection law.

13. Force majeure

Ruokaboksi shall not be liable for any defect in the Shipment or any part thereof, delay in delivery, or any other breach of contract due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Ruokaboksi or its subcontractors or suppliers (force majeure).

14. Changes

Ruokaboksi reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and the Ruokaboksi Platform. The current version of the Terms and Conditions is available at

15. Applicable law and dispute resolution

These Terms are governed by Finnish law. Disputes between Ruokaboksi and the Subscriber shall be resolved primarily through contractual negotiations. If a dispute between Ruokaboksi and the Consumer-Customer cannot be resolved by negotiation, the dispute may also be referred to the Consumer Disputes Board ( Otherwise, disputes will be settled by the District Court of the Customer's place of residence.

16. Other terms and conditions

If the Subscriber is a business, the relationship between Ruokaboksi and the Subscriber is governed by the Commercial Code, as consumer protection legislation does not apply to Subscribers who are not consumers.